Great Day in Ocean Grove NJ Today

Kathy, Sonoma and I all went Dow to Ocean Grove today for a day at the beach.

Black Lion Signature 002Mic Pre Mod vs True Systems P Solo

We have decided that the new nice pres in the Black Lion Sig mod are on par with the True P Solo mic pre, while the mic Pre of the solo is a bit more clear on mid and bass with a touch of Eq the results are noticeably different.

PSP Vintage Warmer 2.5.1

Just did the update to PSP Vintage Warmer 2.5.1 will try it in a few min, due to some limitations with PSP your not as of 10/21/10 able to instal a iLok key for the new PSP Vintage Warmers. The main reason I did the update is due to a new plug in called “PSP Mico Warmer” which is suposded to take up less power and have less latency ishues when tracking. I hope so.

Jason McGuire on Fingernails

There is a bit about nails in the forum. I am not super picky about nails. I tend to play with my nails pretty long compared to most players. I make them rounded to mimic the shape of the fingertip. I use a combination of 5 second Nail Glue and Acrylic Nail Powder to make my own acrylic nails. My natural nails were very weak to begin with so there was no real loss there. Acrylic nails are bad if you want to ever use natural nails. I have tried many other products, but have always gone back to the 5 second stuff for convenience and reliability. The other important thing to consider about nail shape is keeping them smooth underneath where the string actually makes contact. I use a normal 4 in 1 file and move from coarse to fine when shaping.

True P Solo (Hope to order one soon)

I have been reserching mic pres for awhile and it looks like the True Systems P Solo will be the best replacement for the Martech MSS 10 mic pre.  Hears what there CEO says about the P Solo “Tim Spencer, CEO for TRUE Systems and designer of the TRUE Systems’ Mic Preamps states: “Our goal was to design a single-channel mic preamp that provides high-end sonic performance at a cost-effective price for the serious musician or recording engineer. We want to put the same quality of product used on Grammy-winning recordings and major concert tours, into the hands of an entirely new audience. We feel that we have achieved, if not exceeded this goal. The P-SOLO is perfect for studio and location recording, and live sound applications – wherever a microphone is used. And not only that, its instrument direct input feature provides exceptional articulation, presence and depth when an instrument preamp is needed. The P-SOLO is designed to provide stunning sonic detail, with a neutral, musical character, capable of delivering outstanding performance in every situation we could think of.”


DPA 4099 G Mic

This is a recoding using just the DPA 409 G Mic into a Digidesing 002 Black Lion Sig Mod using Pro Tools 8.4

I did use one track for Trillian for the bass.