Neyrinck V Control iPad App

I have been excited about this iPad app from Neyrinck for some time ever since I heard about that is was coming, AES had sent out a email that Neyrinck would be realizing this great app at this years AES in San Fran,  I was not able to be there this year so I have been waiting for the app to come out.  Yesterday the app appeared in the Apple App Store, so I purchased the app and installed it on my iPad,  however the great folks at Neyrinck had not had there info on the app live yet so I was not able to get the app to work with Pro Tools right away, but in less than a few hours Neyrinck web page with all the info you need to get V Control working was up and running they apologized and contacted me right away.  I was even told that I was their first customer to purchase the app. The V Control iPad app works amazingly well and I like it much better than the other iPad controller apps that I have used.  There service and profesilizim shins thorough and they are a top notch company.  I can recommend this app to any one who is looking to use there iPad as an control surface for there Pro Tools studio.  I tested the app with Pro Tools 9 and there are no glitches that i came up with.  Much better than the other two iPad apps that are out there right now and you can pick up the V Control for 19.99 and the V Control Pro for 49.99,  I am told that there will soon be a way to upgrade from the V-Control app to the V-Control Pro app within the V-Control app.   Below is a screen shot of the app on my iPad.