Godin Grand Concert back from Audric tonight

Picked up my Godin Grand Concert SA from Audric Jankauskas who did a superb set up of the guitar. Took a bit of the neck heal and made it fit so nice and tight in the pocket. You can check him out at http://www.aujanmusic.com/ags The neck is straight the action is just the way its on my DeVoe just a tad higher action than a flamenco set up. No buzzes and sound great. He cleaned up the frets too. He is really the best guitar tech.

Bose L1 Compact, Godin Grand Concert SA, DeVoe Negra, (Live Set Up)

Victors Live Set Up

Godin Grand Concert SA

The Godin Grand Concert SA arrived today.

Godin Grand Concet will be on its way from Texas this week

Yep its on it way to the studio this week. Should be an excting week hear. The new Bose L1 and Godin Grand Concet SA

Godin Grand Concert with Fishman Aura Nylon (13) Korg Triton and Roland VG-8

01 Godin Aura 13 Triton VG 8 by v2or