2 Responses

  1. I recently won a 68 PR on ebay as well. Is yours all original? How much did you pay, if you don’t mind my asking? I payed $900 with shippping. Mine’s been modded (3-prong chord, stanby switch in the old ground switch location, and a mid range eq where the extension speaker out used to be). I thought these mods were all pluses, but they actually devalue the amp in terms of it’s “collectabilit.” Even though it’s a better, safer and more efficient amp now, it’s worth considerably less – according to the dictates of the “change is death” vintage fanatics (who are more interested in it’s value as an object than it’s performance as an amp). These so called “purists” are speculating on the future value (largely nostalgia driven) of these vintage instruments and driving the prices way beyond the reach of real working and playing musicians. Double foul I say. Care to comment? Thanks.

    • Hi Casey, I have always looked at music as how does it sound and how do others think it sounds. I like to play to make myself and others enjoy what I do. I find that there is allot that you can get caught up in music and performance. Just like politics and everything else in life. I say that because I just love the Fender Tone and Look of the PR. My ears love the silky smooth gushy sound, whearter through my Strat or much cheaper Ibanez Artcore. I just love the sounds of the tubes and the whole thing. I have not found a better sound IMHO to my ears at a low volume. I do like the Bad Cats Amps but they weigh allot more than a PR. I paid 1100.00 for mine all original no mods, and it has the silver trim. If you want to play the amp then do what ever you need to do to it to make is sound the way you want, If you are going to sell it at some point or want to put it in a case or museum then you would need to redo all the mods. I say who cares enjoy that you have a pice of the best history and sounding amp. Were in a very special league as far as tone goes not everyone can have a PR from the 60’s-70’s yet we are fortunate enough to be blessed by that warm sound from Fender. There are always someone trying to rip others off just like in the world of Stock’s unfortanally the same has trickled into music and gear. Enjoy and make some good music. Just my thoughts. O and get a case for the PR there are some good hard ATA cases on ebay for about 250.00

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