iPad (my mobile workstation)

I have now had my iPad for a few weeks and all I can say for me it works better than I thought it would. I do have a Mac Pro for my Studio uses for music running Pro Tools 8.0.4, My iPad is really an extension of my Mac Pro in that I can acess whats on my Mac Pro on my iPad. With the additional wireless Apple Blue Tooth Keyboard (i’m using it right now) I think I can say that i’m fine with out my Powerbook Laptop. I can still transfer photos using the sd card adapter, I can hook up mic’s with the adapter for usb. The app are fantastic, I use the mix controller (Pro Remote and Transport) by Far Out Labs. Apples Pages and Keynote for iPad ( takes care of document creation and editing as well as presentation on Keynote) there is a cable that lets you hook up to tv or projector for Keynote as well as Netflix. There are some great apps to do picture and vid editing. For me the best apps have been the Music apps, from Sonoma Wireworks Studio Track with effects. Audio Tools recording apps, Dr BetotteTC, Poly Tune & iStrobeSoft, Sketch apps Pentopia and Smartnote. and so many other apps.

New Messenger Bag for iPad (4 My trip to CA)

Ordered a bag for my iPad for my CA trip next week. Only 19.99 on Amazon.